Monday, February 1, 2010

Who is this?

Who is this?
This is Ritty
I am Ritty
Who is this?
This is Alzy
I am Alzy
Who is this?
This is Bubbly
I am Bubbly
Who is this?
This is Whizzy
I am Whizzy
Ritty and Alzy
Alzy and Ritty
Whizzy and Bubbly
Bubbly and Whizzy
Who is this?
Who is this?
This is Snowy
This is Brownie
Snowy and Brownie
Brownie and Snowy
Who is this?
I am ADAMMMMMM!!!!!!!

OK ni bahananya kalau ada anak yg baru nak pandai baca buku. Untuk memberinya motivation untuk membaca, maka mama nye kena lah spent time malam2 layan dia baca buku reading dia. Hasilnyaaaa..tadaaaa..mama dia dah boleh hafal satu buku. Tak payah tgk buku dah boleh jerit dari jauhhhh WHO IS THISSSSS..


Oh yes, adam dah pandai sebut nama mama dan babah dia..
Mama azahhhhhh
Babah rahmannnn

Bagus bagus.. jgn jadi Mama Fitri okehhhh.. ingat tuuuu..


Crunchy Crisp said...

qdees ek???
mmg tu aje la reading nye sepanjang tahun..hehe

Mama Fitri said...

Haah qdees
Buku first dia dah habis baca dah.. La ni dah dpt buku no 2.. tgh busy dok cakap "Hello ritty"


Crunchy Crisp said...

sangat laju gitu..hehe
tahniah :)

Mama Fitri said...

nak tunggu dia laju tu gee..hohhh.. menangis2 dlm kelas tak nak buat reading tau mula2 tu..

Unknown said...

saya qdees waktu umur 6 tahun tahun 2003

srsly i miss them a lot , and now im 20 ,

how time flies so fast :")

teringat kenangan

Shelyn Low said...

hello, may I know which book is this? Thanks.